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     Kanki T(責任著者), Kurihara Y, Jin X, Goda T, Ono Y, Aihara M, Hirota Y, Saigusa T, Aoki Y, Uchiumi T, Kang D. Casein kinase 2 is essential for mitophagy. EMBO Rep. 14(9): 788-94.

     Matsuda T, Kanki T(責任著者), Tanimura T, Kang D, Matsuura ET. Effects of overexpression of mitochondrial transcription factor A on lifespan and oxidative stress response in Drosophila melanogaster. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 430(2): 717-21.

     Uchiumi T, Tanamachi H, Kuchiwaki K, Kajita M, Matsumoto S, Yagi M, Kanki T, Kang D. Mutation and functional analysis of ABCC2/multidrug resistance protein 2 in a Japanese patient with Dubin-Johnson syndrome. Hepatol Res. 43(5):569-75.


     Hirota Y, Kang D, Kanki T(責任著者) The physiological role of mitophagy: new insights into phosphorylation events. Int. J. Cell Biol. Volume 2012 (2012), Article ID 354914.

     Kurihara, Y., Kanki, T.(責任著者), Aoki, Y., Hirota, Y., Saigusa, T., Uchiumi, T., Kang, D. Mitophagy plays an essential role in reducing mitochondrial production of reactive oxygen species and mutation of mitochondrial DNA by maintaining mitochondrial quantity and quality in yeast. J. Biol. Chem. 287: 3265-3272.

     Fang J, Uchiumi T, Yagi M, Matsumoto S, Amamoto R, Saito T, Takazaki S, Kanki T, Yamaza H, Nonaka K, Kang D. Protein instability and functional defect by mutations of dihydroorotate dehydrogenase with Miller syndrome patients.Biosci. Rep. 32(6): 631-9.

     Yagi M, Uchiumi T, Takazaki S, Okuno B, Nomura M, Yoshida SI, Kanki T, Kang D. p32/gC1qR is indispensable for fetal development and mitochondrial translation: importance of its RNA-binding ability. Nucleic Acids Res. 40(19): 9717-37.

     Matsumoto S, Uchiumi T, Saito T, Yagi M, Takazaki S, Kanki T, Kang D. Localization of mRNAs encoding human mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation proteins. Mitochondrion 12(3):391-8.

     Matsumoto S, Uchiumi T, Tanamachi H, Saito T, Yagi M, Takazaki S, Kanki T, Kang D. Ribonucleoprotein Y-box-binding protein-1 regulates mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS) protein expression after serum stimulation through binding to OXPHOS mRNA. Biochem. J. 443(2):573-84.


     Aoki, Y., Kanki, T.(責任著者), Hirota, Y., Kurihara, Y., Saigusa, T., Uchiumi, T., Kang, D. Phosphorylation of Ser114 on Atg32 mediates mitophagy. Mol. Biol. Cell 22: 3206-3217.

     Kanki, T., Klionsky, D., Okamoto, K., Mitochondria autophagy in yeast. Antioxid Redox Signal. 14: 1989-2001.


     Kanki, T., Klionsky, D.J. The molecular mechanism of mitochondria autophagy in yeast. Mol. Microbial. 75: 795-800.

     Kanki T. Nix, a receptor protein for mitophagy in mammals. Autophagy 6(3): 433-5.

     Kanki T, Wang K, Klionsky DJ. A genomic screen for yeast mutants defective in mitophagy. Autophagy 6: 278-280.


     Kanki, T., Wang, K., Cao, Y., Baba, M., Klionsky, D.J. Atg32 is a mitochondrial protein that confers selectivity during mitophagy. Dev. Cell 17: 98-109.

     Kanki, T., Wang, K., Baba, M., Bartholomew, C.R. Lynch-Day, M.A., Du, A., Geng, J., Yang, Z., Yen, W.L., Klionsky, D.L. A genomic screen for yeast mutants defective in selective mitochondria autophagy. Mol. Biol. Cell 20: 4730-4738.

     Kanki, T., Kang, D., Klionsky, D.J. Monitoring mitophagy in yeast: the Om45-GFP processing assay. Autophagy 5: 1186-1189.

     Kanki, T., Klionsky, D.J. Atg32 is a tag for mitochondria degradation in yeast. Autophagy 5(8): 1201-2.

     Kanki T(責任著者), Klionsky DJ. Mitochondrial abnormalities drive cell death in Wolfram syndrome 2. Cell Res. 19(8): 922-3.


     Kanki, T., Klionsky, D.J. Mitophagy in yeast occurs through a selective mechanism. J. Biol. Chem. 283: 32386-32393.

     Hayashi Y, Yoshida M, Yamato M, Ide T, Wu Z, Ochi-Shindou M, Kanki T, Kang D, Sunagawa K, Tsutsui H, Nakanishi H. Reverse of age-dependent memory impairment and mitochondrial DNA damage in microglia by an overexpression of human mitochondrial transcription factor a in mice. J. Neurosci. 28(34): 8624-34.


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